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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Conway SC Historic Renovations Benefitting from Spray Foam Insulation

Historic Home Renovations in the Carolina's

Conway, SC is a historic River Town located right outside of Myrtle Beach, SC. A perfect city in the Carolina's for an example of how Retro-Solutions Energy Saving Home Improvements can save Historic Homeowners in North Carolina & South Carolina money on power bills. If you don't know where Conway, South Carolina is, it is a Historic River town located right outside of the popular tourist destination of Myrtle Beach, SC.  Conway SC is in the same county as Myrtle Beach, Horry County, and offers a more historic look into coastal living in Colonial times. There are more Historic Homes in Conway, then Myrtle Beach, as most of Myrtle Beach was farming land, developed into what it is today, but ultimately newer homes, as farms take a tremendous amount of land space, not offering much space for development during colonial times. Therefore, if your into Historic Homes, or Historic Home Renovation, Conway is a better choice to look in Horry County.  Conway is also about 10 degrees hotter in the summer on average than Myrtle Beach, SC, giving it the perfect environment for maximum benefit from energy saving products.

So what makes Conway,SC a different experience from Myrtle Beach, SC is the Historic Homes & thriving Historic Downtown of Conway, SC.  Retro-Solutions Construction Co. of Horry County, is proud to announce that 3 homeowners in the Conway, SC area are now saving money on utility bills, in historic homes, due to Spray Foam Insulation & Energy Efficient Roofing.  At Retro-Solutions Construction Co. we know the value of having homeowners preserve & revitalize the architecture & history of the past by renovating historic homes.  That's why we are proud to announce the 3 homeowners taking advantage of "green" building materials, that are becoming increasingly popular in Historic Home Renovations across the country, to reduce utility bills.  Anyone that is or knows a historic homeowner anywhere in the United States, and the number one complaint about their historic home is the high energy bills, with power bills being #1 on the list.  Retro-Solutions Construction is here to let Historic Homeowners all across North & South Carolina that there is help for utility bills in older homes. Our Spray Foam Insulation Services, Wall Foam Insulation, Crawl Space Encapsulation, Standing Seam Metal Roofing, Tile Roofing, Tin Roofing, Solar Energy Products, & other "green" building products all pass requirements for historic homeowners committees.

The main reason that Historic Homes cost so much to heat & cool, taking out the larger floor plans, is due to poor insulation.  Exterior Walls are impossible to insulate with traditional fiberglass insulation, without incurring major renovation cost.  In the past their wasn't an affordable option to insulate exterior walls.  Even though foam insulation has been around since the late 1950's, early 1960's, It was mostly regulated to industrial construction & commercial construction due to high cost of material.  The development of foam technology, and more chemical manufacturers of foam products targeting specific markets like Historic Home Renovation Projects, has increased competition & lowered cost to homeowners tremendously.  Although new construction is increasingly going to SPF products, we can't discount homeowners 3-5 years into a new home purchase, just looking to improve overall comfort ability of their home. Historic Homeowners in South Carolina, because of the beautiful weather, and heat in the summers, experience both ends of the spectrum.  Where as a new homeowner will see 33% savings on utility bills, Historic Homeowners in South Carolina can see over 60% in really poor insulated historic homes.  The major advantage, taking out energy savings, that foam insulation has over traditional fiberglass is that it offers historic homeowner new building technology, with spray foam insulation unique "building envelope" system.  That new HVAC system you got last year will operate at a much more energy efficient level.

As a Spray Foam Insulation provider in the North Carolina & South Carolina area, keeping up with new technologies & continuing education on energy saving products, and new energy saving technology; we can save historic homeowners money on utility bills.  The fun thing about our industry incorporating Historic Home Renovation into our business model, is that many of the roofing materials used in Historic Homes in North Carolina & South Carolina are now proven to save on Energy Consumption.  Examples being metal roofing & tile roofing, with both having Energy Star rating products, proven to lower energy bills by up to 20% in homes in the Carolina's. All of our products are approved by Historic Home preservation committee's & boards because insulation is not atheistic & we have roof tile matching capabilities to match the time era, colors, & styles of most homes in the North Carolina & South Carolina areas. Solar Energy is also being incorporated into Historic Home Renovations, as solar panel technology is developing, smaller panels can store as much energy as larger panels 10 years ago.  The development of solar energy powered appliances is also another unique way Historic Homeowners are saving money on utility bills as well.  Most of our customers who are renovating a Historic Home are unaware of all of the utility saving, "green" building materials available for Historic Home Renovations. So call us today or contact us thru our website for more information on how to save money on heating and cooling your Historic Home in North Carolina or South Carolina.  We guarantee we can save you 33%  or more on Energy Savings.

Call: 706-951-0158 (Dan) or 843-424-7180 (Glenn)
Website: Retro-Solutions Construction Company Website

Retro-Solutions Construction Company Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 706-951-0158 Energy Efficient Roofing Systems | Spray Foam Insulation | Wall Foam Insulation | Crawl Space Encapsulations | Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters | Solar Energy | Energy Monitoring | Standing Seam Metal Roofs | Tile Roofs | Slate Roofs | Historic Home Retrofits |

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Excellent "Green" Building Forum -

Informative International "Green" Building Product Forum Website

Quick blog post about a website I stumbled across while I was doing my own product research on spray foam insulation.  As Energy Saving Specialist, we like to see what other hot climates like South Carolina and North Carolina are doing to save homeowners on utility bills.  Retro-Solutions strives to be at the top of the curve when it comes to Energy Saving Home Improvement Products, and product knowledge in the fields of roofing, insulation, moisture control, solar energy, and more.  Trade Shows, Social Networking, Sales People, and informative blogs like's is how professional Energy Saving Home Improvement esperts stay informed on breaking news in the "Green" Building Product Industry.  If your reading this blog, and not in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia, then you probably already know how hard it is to get good informative product information on "Green" Building Products fairly new to the market.  The main point of our blog, and's blog is to promote the "Green" Building industry.  Retro-Solutions Construction is trying to sell a service, but we hope our information on green building products can reach people around the globe. 

Although some "Green" Building Products are still relatively high in cost, compared to traditional home improvement products, rising energy prices, and a slumping housing market; homeowners are investing more into their homes as long term investments again.  Our client base see's better benefits from spray foam insulation, wall foam insulation, & crawl space encapsulations, then where the author of this blog is from; so he was able to use a cheaper "green" alternative to spray foam insulation and still double r-value to traditional fiberglass insulation.  Humidity is the big factor in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida; and foam insulation is the only "green" building product to offer the air barrier to prevent moisutre build up in attics & crawl spaces. Mountain climates in our coverage areas do have a wider variety of options to choose from, so please read this blog for some great information on "green" building products. 

This is the site we decided to try a blog with, and our blog has been very successful in promoting "green" energy products.  If you ever decide to get spray foam insulation, or any other foam insulation product, you will understand why our blog, and's blog promotes "green" building alternatives for the homeowner.  Another great thing about this blog, is that there is a lot of discussion about the use of "green" building products in Historic Home Renovation projects.  We hope that our blog post get more informative as we get better at writing blogs, but if your still on the fence about "green" building products, we recommend you keep reading a little more.  I believe is the most informative free website on the internet when it comes to reviews on green building products. So make sure to check them out.

Stay Tuned for more blog post.

Retro-Solutions Construction Company Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 706-951-0158 Energy Efficient Roofing Systems | Spray Foam Insulation | Wall Foam Insulation | Crawl Space Encapsulations | Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters | Solar Energy | Energy Monitoring | Standing Seam Metal Roofs | Tile Roofs | Slate Roofs | Historic Home Retrofits |

Historic Home Renovations with Spray Foam Insulation Reduce Utilities by Half

Spray Foam Insulation with Historic Home Renovations

First off, Historic Homeowners I have the utmost respect for your interest in either Spray Foam Insulation, Wall Foam Insulation, Crawl Space Encapsulations, Solar Energy, "Green" Roofing, or any other Energy Saving Home Improvement. We know the kind of power bills, historic homeowners, can see in the Cold of Winter and the Heat of Summer.  For most customers in our service area its the heat, and the air conditioning running all the time, in their beautiful Southern Historic Homes. We feel your pain on an almost daily basis, with most of our Foam Insulation Service Customer Base being historic homeowners, excluding commercial spray foam applications.  Well this blog is here to let you know there is help for your power bill in a Historic Home.  As a fan of construction, history, architecture, and floor plans of historic homes, however we also know that most in the South Carolina, and North Carolina areas are big and open, with little or no insulation left in the walls at all. Most of our Historic Home Renovation Customers are also in homes with steep pitched roofs, and lots of attic space; which is great for storage, but killer on your utility bills. In the peak of summer's heat when we walk into many Historic Home Attics, its like walking into a sauna, and sometimes over 140 degrees in the attic space.  This heat packed in your attic is keeping your A/C running all the time, because the heat in coming into the house, even with traditional fiberglass insulation.  Another thing we often notice in Historic Home Renovations we do, is they have big crawl spaces, basements, and lots of moisture.  This is condensation from the hot air under your home rising to meet the cool air falling inside the home, creating condensation. For Energy Saving Home Improvement contractors, this is an obvious sign of energy loss wherever we have mixing temperatures of over 20 degrees or more.  If your a historic home owner reading this, and all of what I have said is true of your home, then please read further.

The reason why we wanted to write a blog to the Historic Homeowner, is to let them know that owning a Historic Home, can be a lot cheaper with Spray Foam Insulation.  Another reason we wanted to specifically target the Historic Homeowner, is that most buy Historic Homes with the ideas of renovating that Historic Home.  The advantages that Spray Foam Insulation, Wall Foam Insulation, and Crawl Space Encapsulation, is that with the  Large attic spaces and Big Basements, installation is usually fast and easy, and Energy Savings and benefits are being realized within 24 hours. The first thing customers notice after installation of Spray Foam Insulation is that the temperature in the home is a more comfortable level, and that their HVAC systems are running almost  half of the time they were before installation.  Then the next thing they notice is the power bill being cut almost nearly in half after having our foam insulation systems put in their homes.

Why Should Homeowners Choose Spray Foam Insulation over Traditions Fiberglass?

  1. The Main Reason - is the Higher Energy & Utility Savings Foam Insulation Systems provide over traditional fiberglass insulation
  2. Retrofitted Installation - All of our foam insulation systems can be retrofitted into historic homes, with little or no changes made to the Structural Elements of the home. Sure you can install fiberglass in your Attic space or crawl space for a little less, but What about the walls? Wall Foam Insulation is the only insulation system on the market that can be retrofitted into walls without damage to siding or drywall/plaster. Traditional Fiberglass Insulation isn't going to take care of the moisture in the crawl space basement area either. Foam Insulation are the top retrofitted insulation systems on the market.
  3. Going "Green" - Spray Foam Insulation, Wall Foam Insulation, & Crawl Space Encapsulation are all "Green" building products, and friendly to the environment.
  4. "Energy Star" Rated - Retrofitted Wall Foam Insulation Systems & Spray Foam Insulation are Energy Star Rated Products, meaning overall improved efficiency of your Historic Home.
  5. Tax Credits - The government is offering up to $500 tax credit on Foam Insulation Systems & other "Energy Star" Rated Products & "Green" Building Products.
  6. Improved Overall Comfort Levels of Living Space - Spray Foam Insulation offers a unique "building envelop" system that can not be created with fiberglass insulation, balancing temperatures better inside the home.
  7. Add Real Estate Value - Insulation is a growing concern of potential home buyers & offering potential home buyers energy savings, it improves the overall saleability of your  home. We know Historic Home Renovation Hobbyist, who are just addicted to renovating Historic Homes, and have seen higher turnover ratio's on homes with Spray Foam Insulation vs. homes with Traditional Fiberglass Insulation.
  8. Lifetime Product - All Foam Insulation Systems are lifetime products, with so little R-Value reduction, that after 50 years Spray Foam still doubles new traditional fiberglass insulation in energy savings.  Never deal with the sag of fiberglass, and re-installation cost of fiberglass; its one and done with foam insulation.
  9. Product that Pays You Back - Payback in Historic Homes on Spray Foam Insulation vary from 3-5 years, so in 5 years or less, foam insulation is paying you back in utility savings, taking you into the next historic home renovation project you intend on accomplishing.

If you want more information on any of the products we have described in this blog, please read thru our other blog post for more detailed information.  If you are in the North Carolina or South Carolina area, and interested in adding Spray Foam Insulation, Wall Foam Insulation, or Crawl Space Encapsulation Service to your next Historic Home Renovation list, then give us a call today at 706-951-0158 for a free consultation.  We have a portfolio of historic homes which we have installed spray foam insulation, and if you need references, many of our customers have sold our potential customers on spray foam insulation for us their so pleased with the overall experience and expertise of Retro-Solutions Construction.  Make sure to check out our website for more contact information and other Historic Home Renovation services we offer. Stay tuned to our blog for more information on Energy Saving Home Improvements for the Historic Homeowner.

Free Estimates of All of our Services thru Email on the Website

Retro-Solutions Construction Company Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 706-951-0158 Energy Efficient Roofing Systems | Spray Foam Insulation | Wall Foam Insulation | Crawl Space Encapsulations | Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters | Solar Energy | Energy Monitoring | Standing Seam Metal Roofs | Tile Roofs | Slate Roofs | Historic Home Retrofits | Historic Home Renovations |

Energy Monitoring Systems & How They Help to Lower Power Bills

Energy Monitoring Systems & How They Help to Lower Power Bills

Let's first start off with describing what a Home Energy Monitoring System is, and how it is installed in your home to help you reduce energy consumption, thus lowering power bills. There are a variety of different manufacturer's and models of Home Energy Management Systems, and they vary in options, but they all perform the same function, and that's Energy Management.  Most all your home energy management systems will have a measuring tranmitting unit, which is the piece that attaches to your circuit board; then a gateway system of some sort, to send the wireless signal to your home computer.  It's pretty simple, but we recommend having a professional install anything to a breaker box, plus configuring the IP and Gateway is tricky for the inexperienced. Once they monitoring device is installed to the board, software is installed on your computer to get the readings off the device in the breaker box, with up to the minute stats of how much power you are using in your home, at every outlet in your home.  This enables the homeowner to see if old appliances are consuming too much energy, indicating bad appliances; or if the little red light on the DVD player is consuming a lot more energy then you thought.  Either way, it allows homeowners to identify unneeded electricity consumption.  Here are some of the benefits homeowners have seen from installing an energy monitoring device into their homes.

  • See Where Power is Used and Wasted - monitor outlets, appliances, electronics
  • Monitor Appliances Performance and Health - Indicates poor performing appliances
  • Keep Your Family Safe - Mobile User Interface can tell if an appliance was left on or not.
  • Lower your Utility Bills by up to 25% - lowers utilities by eliminating wasted power usage
  • Use the Monitoring System on Your Terms - Cut the system on or off whenever you please.

Energy Management Systems are one of the most affordable "Green" Building Products for homeowners on the market today.  If your looking for control over your power usage, you need a energy management system from Retro Solutions Construction Company.  Get a Free Estimate in South Carolina on installation of a Energy Monitoring System here:

Call Dan at: 706-951-0158 or visit on the web at: 

We hope this blog has been informative and that  homeowners across the country will take advantage of this simple Energy Saving Home Improvement, that not only saves on utility bills, but better for the enviroment.  Stay tuned for more post to our blog on Energy Saving Home Improvements, and thanks for reading. 

Retro-Solutions Construction Company Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 706-951-0158 Energy Efficient Roofing Systems | Spray Foam Insulation | Wall Foam Insulation | Crawl Space Encapsulations | Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters | Solar Energy | Energy Monitoring | Standing Seam Metal Roofs | Tile Roofs | Slate Roofs | Historic Home Retrofits |

Friday, May 6, 2011

Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters


I know this is a spray foam insulation blog, but with the popularity of the blog growing, we've decided to add a little more about some of the other Energy Saving products, that really work to lower your energy bills.  Our company is located in Myrtle Beach, SC, and we can only do services in North and South Carolina; however information on Energy Saving Products and Green Building Products & Alternatives.  Most information you get is from retail chain home improvement stores, advertising their products and services, so they will have no information on a Solar Powered Hot Water Heater if there only selling electric & gas hot water heaters.  The way we find the best energy saving products is at trade shows and conventions, getting all the best technological advances, and information on, Green Building Products, & product reviews.  We will get links for some of these manufacturer's posted on our website soon at

So lets get into why Solar Powered Hot Water Heaters is a fast growing trend among homeowners, for more affordable energy saving home improvements, then say spray foam insulation.  The main reason is your hot water heater is one of your biggest consuming energy appliances in your home.  It can rank #2 to HVAC systems in homes with large families, and with increasing cost in natural gas & propane, even energy efficient gas powered hot water heaters are getting more expensive to operate.  If your reading this blog, you already know the cost for electricity is rising, so even with more efficient electric hot water heater, your still going to see the cost for this appliance to go up as well.  The only other alternative you have to save money on this energy consuming appliance in your home is to go solar powered.  

Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters do cost slightly more to install, but energy saving and lower utility bills offset this cost in a short period of time, with payback from savings on utility bills.  Other than the main power source for heating the water, solar powered hot water heaters operate in a similar fashion as other hot water heaters, producing water at similar temperatures to that of gas & electric powered hot water heaters.  The main difference you will notice is your utility bill being reduced the next month after having a solar powered hot water heater installed into your home or business.  Installation of a Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heater only takes a few hours, and a lot less intrusive installation method, then say a standing seam metal roof which can take weeks to complete in some instances.  If ease of installation versus other energy saving home improvements that reduce utility bills, Solar Powered Hot Water Heaters is at the top of the list.

The first question most of our customers have is: What if its a Cloudy Dady?  No problem, solar energy panels work almost like a battery for instance without going into detail, and vary in energy storing capabilities depending on models, brands, etc.  If your worried about a whole week, and live in snowy weather, solar energy hot water heaters are wired to  your electrical system, and have computer generated microchip sensors that tell it when it needs to convert to using electricity from your energy provider.  We get a lot of sunshine in South Carolina, and not much snow, so most of our customers see up to 90% savings on there hot water energy consumption.  Average savings per year for most, run $300-$500.  There is plenty of products out there that have product information on these products, and we get most of our thru a variety of dealers, depending on regions & sales territories.  We also choose to offer our clients a variety of options when it comes to picking a Solar Powered Hot Water Heater in South Carolina, there are many different needs & thriving new competition to big name competitors.  We have more residential clients then we have commercial clients, however Myrtle Beach SC, where our home office is located, is a popular tourist destination, and we have installed solar units into some of these hotels and resorts, with hotel owners seeing a dramatic reduction in hot water heating bills.  There's a lot of hot water heaters in a hotel!!  So lets not leave out small business owners looking to reduce utility bills as well.

My product review on solar powered hot water heater is top ratings for energy saving home improvements, you can't go wrong with this utility lowering green building product.  Solar Powered Alternatives for heating water is a growing industry, so even if your not in South Carolina or North Carolina, it should be very easy to find a contractor with the knowledge and capabilities to install a solar powered hot water heating unit or system.  With the government offereing a $300 tax credit for purchasing and having a unit installed in 2011, u see instant payback saving on having a Solar Hot Water heater installed.  Before we conclude this blog post for Solar Powered Hot Water Heaters, lets give a brief recap of the advantages and benefits of having a Solar Powered Hot Water Heater System installed in your home or business.

Advantages of Solar Powered Hot Water Heaters

  • Energy Savings in the range of $320/year lower utility bills. (National Avg.)
  • $300 federal tax credit in 2011.
  • 10 Year Savings Average of over $3,000 for most families.
  • Enviromentally Friendly.
  • Going Green to Save the Planet.

We hope this has given you enough information on solar powered hot water heaters to be interested in purchasing one for your home or office, so call your local dealers today.  If you are reading this informational blog on spray foam insulation and other energy saving home improvements that reduce utility bills; and located in North Carolina or South Carolina, give us a call today at 706-951-0158, ask for Dan.  We can help you with all your green building product needs, and help lower your utility bills.  Learn more about our services below.  Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for my next blog on Standing Seam Metal Roofing and Why Its a Energy Star Product.


Retro-Solutions Construction Company
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Phone: 706-951-0158
Retro-Solutions Construction

Energy Efficient Roofing Systems | Spray Foam Insulation | Wall Foam Insulation | Crawl Space Encapsulations | Solar Energy Powered Hot Water Heaters | Solar Energy | Energy Monitoring | Standing Seam Metal Roofs | Tile Roofs | Slate Roofs | Historic Home Retrofits |

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Retrofit Wall Foam Insulation Systems and How They Work


What is Wall Foam Insulation?

Wall Foam Insulation is usually made up of a tripollymer resin and a odor free insulation material, mixing together to form wall foam insulation.  Its a two part system, similar to spray foam insulation, however wall foam can be injected into wall cavities, and the most affordable alternative for retrofit foam insulation customers.  With a wall foam insulation system, holes are drilled into the exterior walls of your home, and then the foam is injected into the cavity, and combining to form spray foam insulation in existing homes walls.  Wall Foam insulation works just like spray foam insulation, in that it expands once injected into the cavity, yet does not expand enough to damage walls or outlets.  If you have a older house, and your utility bills are really high, or your upstairs is 8-10 degrees hotter than the downstairs portion of your home, then you are probalby a good candidate for Wall Foam Insulation.  Retro-Solutions Construction company of South Carolina provides wall foam insulation services all over North and South Carolina.  Make sure to stick with a quality and reputable company when looking into hiring a wall foam insulation contractor.  Experienced contractors can make the installation process a lot less hassle free, and usually give you a more affordable price on wall foam insulation as well.  Below is a list of the main reasons why wall foam insulation is one of the best energy saving home improvements you can make.

Wall Foam Insulation Benefits and Reviews

  • Lower Utility Bills - A wall foam insulated home can save you money on utility bills, helping your HVAC unit(s) to operate more efficiently and effectively, thus reducing energy bills.  HVAC efficiency is huge in the hot summers like South Carolina brings.
  • Increase in Comfortablity - With lowered utility bills and increased energy savings, your home will also feel a lot more comfortable as well.  Chances are the only place in your home before wall foam insulation in a South Carolina summer is the air right beside it.  After installing wall foam insulation, or spray foam insulation, home's temperatures balance, and feel cooler in the summers and warmer in the winters.
  • Increased Re-Sale Value - One statistic shows 86% of prospective real estate buyers consider a wall foam insulated home or office a more positive decision than one that is not.
  • Increased Fire-Safety - Wall Foam Insulation is a Class A Fire Retartant Rating, making your home more safer in case of a breakout fire.
  • Decreased Noise Pollution - Wall Foam Insulation in older homes & Spray Foam Insulation in New Homes have been shown to reduce noise by 75% or a 45-50db reduction average.
  • Unbeatable R-Values - Wall Foam Insulation has R-Values for 2x4 studs ant R-16 and a 2x6 R-value rating of right near R-23, go try to find that in your local hardware stores insulation section.
  • Eliminates Draft - Wall Foam Insulation can eliminates cool or warm drafts in your home by sealing all empty voids, especially exterior penetrations of the home where warm or cool air could be slipping in.
  • Resist Pest - With a tighter fit than any other insulation product on the market, theres not much room for pest in there, and the pest pest control prevention is sealing off the home, and wall foam insulation is the best energy saving home improvement product on the market for doing this in retrofitted homes.
  • Saves Money Over Time - Wall Foam is generally a lifetime product, outlasting the house or office building, thus eliminating re-insulation cost.  And as you get adjusted to a lower utility bill, you'll see the savings continue to go in your pockets as energy rates continue to rise.
  • Enviromentally Friendly - Last but not least, wall foam insulation is an enviromentally friendly product, with Energy Star Ratings and Green Building Product listings for most manufaturer's products.  Green Building is the new way to go, and wall foam is a perfect option for a homeowner with an older or historic home looking for green energy product alternatives.
Hopefully we have answered some questions anyone reading this blog might have had, on what retrofitted wall foam insulation is, how retrofitted wall foam insulation works, and the benefits of having wall foam insulation installed in your home.  If you are looking for a Wall Foam Insulation Contractor in North Carolina, South Carolina, and eastern Georgia, then give us a call today.

Myrtle Beach Services & Construction Co.
Energy Efficient Roofing | Solar Energy | Energy Efficient Insulation | Green Building Products 

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Applications & Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation in Commercial Building Use

Applications & Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation in Commercial Building Use

Some customers have been asking me lately about the use of spray foam insulation in commercial buildings like hotels, office buildings, etc.; and what are the advantages of using spray foam insulation in new commercial construction projects. The first question I get with spray foam insulation and commercial construction in Myrtle Beach, SC, is will I see the kind of energy savings in my office or building, as I would in my home?  The answer is yes.  There will be a signifigant reduction in energy consumption and capital spent on energy bills; however payback on investment takes a lot longer in most commercial building applications.  Spray Foam Insulation is more notable for its use in commercial buildings for other, applications and attributes, then just being a good insulater. 

Spray foam insulation is a widely used product all across the commercial construction industry, including South Carolina and North Carolina, the markets in which our company operates. Spray foam insulation in commercial buildings offer many different benefits for a commercial customer, then it usually does for our residential customres.  Some of our commercial customers are not even interested in the insulating capacities of spray foam insulation at all, but more in the soundproofing and accoustical qualities spray foam insulation displays in commercial building applications.  Spray foam insulation is one of the best soundproofing materials on the market, and often used in adding to the acoustics of movie theaters, musical venues, doctors offices, conference rooms, and more.  In most new commercial construction jobs, spray foam insulation is one of the cheaper alternatives when it comes to soundproofing a large commercial building.  By spraying instead of fastening the insulation to the walls of the structure, spray foam insulation is at least 80% more efficient in installing then fiberglass or soundproofing vats can be fastened.  This cuts down tremendously on labor cost, and gives spray foam insulation a competitive advantage when it comes to commercial applications, after you factor in energy savings resulting even at only 2.5" thick, minimum soundproofing thickness of foam, versus, 5.5" depth for insulation code depth, spray foam insulation R-values still outperform fiberglass by almost double. 

The next major spray foam insulation application in commercial building usage that is not generally seen residentially, is on the roof.  Many commercial building owners in South Carolina, especially Myrtle Beach, have flat roofs, and in the hot days of summer, these flat roofs get hot, resulting in energy loss and uncomfortable building temperatures.  Spray foam insulation is a much better insulation system for flat roofing then traditions 4 x 8 fastened black insulation boards.  Spray foam insulation is installed with ease on commercial roofing systems, and have warranties similar to EPDM, PVC, and TPO roofing materials.  If  your in the market for a new commercial roofing system in the South Carolina area, i'd definitely consider using a spray foam insulation roofing system.  The coating, similar to an elastometric coating material, but specially designed for our spray foam insulation and same manufacture, is appllied to the cured spray foam leading to an ultimate watertight roofing system with durability, easy maintanence, and easy repairs. 

A few other reasons why commercial builders use spray foam insulation in their commercial building projects, are for structural purposes, fireproofing, air barrier requirements, and vapor barrier requirements, some of the same requirements for residential buildings in South Carolina as well.  Often commercial building codes are much more stringent then residential building codes, so the extra structural strength qualities that closed cell spray foam insulation is known for, can get engineers to building specs for strenth requirements, and  other factors that come to play for wall and structural strength test.  Spray foam insulation can also be made into a fireproofing material, an expensive additive and/or different chemical types, dependinig on chemical manufacturer's. Spray foam insulation makes e a great fireproofing material, because of the ability to fill air voids, thus improving fire ratings for walls in commercial buildings.  Last but not least, we are back to the energy saving thing again, and I can promise you this, if there is a constant with spray foam insulation, that is it will save you money on energy bills.  Here is a brief list of some of the topics we discussed in the blog about spray foam insulation and its uses commercially.

Commercial Spray Foam Insulation Applications 

  • Roofing - Excellent Roofing Insulation product reducing heat transfer at the hottest point of flat roofed buildings.
  • Soundproofing - One of the best soundproofing products on the market, and fast installation
  • Structural - Closed Cell Spray foam insulation has structural strength qualities
  • Air Barrier - Just like in residential applications, spray foam is the best air barried
  • Moisture Barrier - as with homes, commercial buildings can have areas prone to dampness.
  • Fireproofing - though costly for material, can be applied rather quickly
  • Energy Efficiency - a standard when it comes to spray foam insulation.
Call Retro-Solutions Construction Company of Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 with any questions, or for a free estimate on spray foam insulation or roofing services needed in North and South Carolina.

Dan - 706-951-0158

First Choice Power LP